Tina Buchholtz - Statement


The end of the nineties marked a shift away from my erstwhile traditional portrayal of landscapes to usher in a phase of informal colour montages that provided medium to indulge my fascination with colour phenomena to the full. Paintings of merging patches of colour give rise to layers in a sea of colour with deep intensity of expression.

This process of dispersal and reattachment came about by chance. As time progressed, canvasses used became steadily larger.
This led to in-depth study of the life and works of Jackson Pollock, with whom I feel a close artistic affinity.
Since 2004, I have developed a technique in which I use various sizes of spatulas and spread the colours in a relief and montage form. The prominent feature is a colourfully scattered expression of rhythm and movement.
Since 2006, I have refined my methods of working: The work is performed using nothing more than the spatula blade. I press the blade in the paint and then immediately on the canvas, so that a fine line becomes visible. This meticulous process is repeated over and over until a hatching of fine lines develops into a filigree composition. The layering of densely criss-crossing strands interspersed with translucent glaze gives rise to an impression of great depth and three-dimensionality in the view of the observer. The fine, relief-like structures create patterns of shade as the light moves, so that images change according to lighting. This effect imbues with the added feeling of variability, changeable mood, symbolic of the sometimes unexpected changes in life and variant approaches for one and the same event. The inspiration for my work has come from literature, music, discussions and debates with colleagues and experience. The tension between the task of building and sustaining a stable lifestyle, the alertness demanded in ordinary life and my individual fantasies and abstract imaginative power is reflected in my paintings. The timeconsuming, almost meditative process employed in a work is as much an expression of an inward and outward sense of order as the urge for love of life, impulsiveness and spontaneity. The creation of artworks has been my passion ever since my early childhood years. My development in the world of art has taken an unconventional path, sometimes by stubbornly pursuing my own way, the authentic power of expression in my paintings has elicited an earnest response.

Painting has always been part of my life and whilst my background lies in figurative painting, the more I worked, the more I was fascinated with the subject ofcolour in its own right.
Gradually, the landscapes dissolved, in favour of landscape-inspired colour fields and clouds. So I can honestly say that abstraction discovered me, rather than the other way around, perhaps as a logical conclusion of my own development and maturity. Having my own artistic ‘signature’ and unique style are non-negotiable for me – I developed my own techniques
almost from the beginning as I began to experiment with my spatula tool. Some of my works explore political developments (eg, Exodus, Ground Offensive), or emotions and memories, so a spectrum between relative objectivity and personal subjectivity. For me uniqueness, my own personal signature, is crucial, as is authenticity. I am also very excited about the interaction between a work and ist viewer. A painting can trigger so many associations, link to music, personal memories and so much more.
This is what I experience in conversations with viewers, collectors and mere onlookers.


Galerie F37 Berlin



Barbara Petermann


Tel: 0173 311 55 71


Fasanenstraße 37
10719 Berlin






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